VictoryShares Top Veteran Employers ETF

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Industria: All Cap Equities

Hilton Worldwide
General Motors
Southwest Airlines
U.S. Bancorp
PG&E Corporation
Kellogg Company
Charles Schwab
JPMorgan Chase
Home Depot
Bank of America
United Rentals
CVS Health Corporation
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NombreIndustriaCompartir, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaRendimiento de dividendos
Hilton Worldwide Hilton Worldwide Consumer Discretionary 2.02 -20.42 4.68 42 24.28 0.2643
General Motors General Motors Industrials 2.01 0.7219 0.287 4.92 16.47 0.9291
Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines Industrials 1.97 1.8 0.7236 39.01 8.06 2.33
U.S. Bancorp U.S. Bancorp Financials 1.96 1.2 2.4 12.37 8.77 4.5
PG&E Corporation PG&E Corporation Utilities 1.94 1.42 1.77 17.21 5.36 0.2184
Kellogg Company Kellogg Company Consumer Staples 1.94 5.58 1.43 19.76 16.64 3.22
Charles Schwab Charles Schwab Financials 1.94 3.07 6.67 24.78 13.4 1.35
JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase Financials 1.94 1.5 3.18 9.94 -170.23 2.02
Home Depot Home Depot Consumer Staples 1.93 341.39 2.33 23.54 16.24 2.38
Bank of America Bank of America Financials 1.93 0.9262 2.74 10.19 8.66 2.41
Boeing Boeing Industrials 1.91 -9.16 2.03 0 -255.84 0
Oracle Oracle Technology 1.91 37.56 6.55 33.15 19.97 1.1
United Rentals United Rentals Industrials 1.9 4.82 2.74 16.17 7.74 0.8953
CVS Health Corporation CVS Health Corporation Healthcare 1.88 1.33 0.284 12.18 12.57 4.46

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