Capital Research and Management Company

Compañía Compartir, %
GW Pharmaceuticals plc 39.52
Meggitt PLC Meggitt PLC 29.46
Cortexyme, Inc. Cortexyme, Inc. 29.35
Московская биржа Московская биржа 12.18
United Technologies Corporation 8.47
New Frontier Health Corporation 6.67
SoftBank Corp. SoftBank Corp. 6.53
Детский Мир Детский Мир 6.29
Sberbank of Russia Sberbank of Russia 3.51
Frontier Communications Frontier Communications 0.1
En+ 0

Categoría Cantidad
Healthcare 3
Industrials 2
Финансы 1
Telecom 1
Ритейл 1
Financials 1
Consumer Discretionary 1
Energy 1